Keraamikko Olga Blokh mukaan Craft Hub EU -residenssiohjelmaan
Keramiikko Olga Blokh on valittu mukaan Craft Hub EU -residenssiohjelmaan 2021-2022. ”Craft Hub EU is a European project co-funded by the Creative Europe Programme focused on Craft in the context of cultural heritage and its continuing relevance in contemporary...
Bloch Ceramics I -verkkonäyttely
Bloch Ceramics I Jaakko Blokh28.5. – 31.8.2021Sahanlahti ResortRavintola KoskivahtiLietvedentie 830,52200 Puumala 4. Musta Ruukku 2021; 21 cm x 13 cm; 190€. Wheel thrown stoneware, hand crafted glazes, wood ashes, ceramic pigments. 4a. Black Pot, detail, 2021....