Painting from Murpups from Puumala comics art by Olga Blokh is on show as a part of Root & Branch -project at Karin Weber Gallery in Hong Kong November, 13th, 2021. – 18.12.2021. Opening and artist symposium is on 20.11.2021.
Root&Branch -project brings together 40 artists around the world. For Root & Branch Linda Norris (Wales, UK) and Wai Kit (Hong Kong) invited a number of artists who use trees or wood in some way in their work to contribute an A6 postcard artwork. One art postcard from Finland is left to Hong Kong exhibition. On the postcard called Anagama Firing Murpups, or Marmot and Bunny, are making ceramics. Bunny is wheel throwing pots and Marmot is putting fire woods into anagama kiln. Read more about anagama firing here.
After Hong Kong the exhibition is on international tour in Taiwan, Wales and France. Root&Branch -project was supported by Wales Arts International.
13. November – 18. December 2021 – Karin Weber Gallery, Central Hong Kong
10. March – 25. April 2022 – Cafe or not Cafe, Tainan, Taiwan
2. July – 13. August 2022 – Mission Gallery, Swansea, Wales
…more places to come!
The participating artists are: Janice Affleck (Scotland), Patricio Álvarez Aragón (Chile/Germany), Inguna Audere (Latvia), Olga Blokh (Finland), Evy Cohen (France), Irma Collective (Latvia), Robert Davies (Wales), Madeleine Doré (Canada/France), Michele Dovey (Wales), Winnie Tak Kwan Fung (Hong Kong), Kim Dotty Hachmann (Germany), Kenneth Hay (UK/France), Nung-Hsin Hu (Taiwan/USA), Herbert W.H. Hundrich (Germany), Rachel Ip (Hong Kong), Robert Jakes (Wales), Agnes Ku (Hong Kong), Wai Kit Lam (Hong Kong), Joe Lau (Hong Kong/Taiwan), Sian Lester (Wales), Susana López Fernández (Spain), Bim Mason (Wales), Helen Maurer (UK), John Merrill (Wales), Penka Mincheva (Bulgaria), Yu May Ming (Hong Kong), Tse Ming Chong (Hong Kong), Moorland Productions (France/UK), Kika Nicolela (Brazil/Belgium), Linda Norris (Wales), Danny O’Hara (UK), Rachel Phillips (Wales), Nia Pushkarova (Bulgaria), Francoise Rod (France/Switzerland), Michael Rogers (USA/Latvia), Ruth Sargeant (Wales), Erika Tan (Singapore/UK), Annette Townsend (Wales), Marcos Vidal Font (Spain), Ian Wieczorek (Ireland).

Murpups from Puumala, Anagama firing. This artwork has found a new home in Hong Kong.

Murpups from Puumala, Anagama firing 2. This artwork is to compensate Anagama Firing postcard on tour in Taiwan and Wales.
Olga Blokh, artist
Murpups from Puumala, comics art
Linda Norris, artist
Wai Kit Lam, artist
Wales Arts International