Summer 2021 events
In the summer of 2021, Bloch Ceramics will include at these events: 30.5. – 31.8.2021 – Summer exhibition: Olga Blokh ceramics, Jaakko Blokh art glass, Pia Hinttula watercolors, Sahanlahti Resort, Puumala. More information:...
Bloch Ceramics I online exhibition
Bloch Ceramics I Jaakko Blokh28.5. – 31.8.2021Sahanlahti ResortRavintola KoskivahtiLietvedentie 830,52200 Puumala 4. Musta Ruukku 2021; 21 cm x 13 cm; 190€. Wheel thrown stoneware, hand crafted glazes, wood ashes, ceramic pigments. 4a. Black Pot, detail, 2021....